Weight Loss Ticker

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Weight Loss Tools

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

90 days until christmas!

scale is down! i know, i know, shouldn't weigh in everyday. this girl will never learn. but hey, better than what i saw yesterday. i need to be honest. yesterday i saw 138.8!! AHH!! wtf!! thats what i was thinking. ive stayed at 136 for the past month, whats with the 2.8 lb gain? TOTM is over finally, so i expected to lose. im realizing that i really went off track in august and this month. im so glad to be back ON track. hopefully my body will forgive me and the weight will melt off? i can only hope.

well today i saw 138.2 - so at least that's good, right? i need to stop with the scale, i can tell my clothes feel better, even since monday. like i said, i will never learn.

i did some arm weights while watching the biggest loser last night!! i love that show! jerry looks so great now. anyway, i tried what bob said about lifting weights (stand on a balance ball or one one foot to work more muscles. well i stood on one foot, man, it was hard! but i did it and can definitely feel the burn today. i really like lifting weights but sometimes after i do cardio i just want to leave the gym and shower off. i hate the feeling of being sweaty. you'd think i'd be over that by now, but no.

anyway...possibly hitting the gym again today. if not, definitely tmw. my legs are SO sore from yesterday. i really pushed myself hard and it felt great. we have a work luncheon at a chinese buffet (yuck...i dislike buffets, too many people around food i would be eating) but i scanned the menu (not the buffet, they have a regular menu) and they have sushi, steamed pot stickers & wontons and a vegetable grilled thing that you can hold the sauce on so i will probably get one of those. or maybe 2 ;)

i don't know what my starting weight is going to be for the christmas challenge. i guess 138.8? so, so far so good. down 0.6. gotta restart somewhere i guess....hopefully friday i will at least be down to 137.

alright back to work...have a great day ladies!


katieo said...

"did some arm weights while watching the biggest loser last night!!"
Woo-hoo! me too. but abs, not arms.

Scale=digital devil. SO FRUSTRATING!
Hey. you still got til friday til the official weigh-in, don't give up! And make your starting weight the higher one. Victory will be that much sweeter!

Carolyn said...

I hate buffets too! There is just too much temptation and I always overindulge.

Good for you for doing the weights during biggest loser. I fell asleep about 45 mins in. What is with the 2 hour episodes? Is every episode going to be 2 hours long? I wish it was on earlier but oh well.

I agree with Katieo, I think you should pick the higher weight for you Christmas Challenge start weight, that way you'll see a bigger loss!

Swizzlepop said...

I WI every morning too AND I track it. Check out this post http://swizzlepop.blogspot.com/2007/09/saturdays-7-some-cool-articles-info.html about googles daily tracker, I LOVE IT. It totally keeps things real and lets me see the results of good and bad days.
Congrats on doing the arm weights on one foot. Sounds like a good challenge but I am so damn clumsy that I'd probably fall over and hurt myself LOL.