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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2011 in A Nut Shell

So...since we last spoke I:

- Turned 28! My wonderful husband got me a treadmill for my birthday.
- Joined Weight Watchers!
- Then I got pregnant! And haven't used the treadmill since & of course the Weight Watchers stopped.
- Had terrible morning/all-day sickness & lost about 6 lbs at the beginning of my pregnancy.
- Stopped exercising except for walks with the dog & husband
- Got my appetite back but only gained a few pounds a month.
- Then I had a sweet baby girl! :)
- Gained 25 lbs of pregnancy weight
- Lost 23 lbs of pregnancy weight
- Gained 5 lbs of Holiday weight

SOOO....As of now I am 15 lbs heavier than when I last blogged on here. And that would put me at about 30 lbs heavier than I would like to be.

Maternity leave ends Feb. 1. I'm very sad but I know the structure will help me out in the dieting/exercising arena.

My plan: counting calories (Weight Watchers kind of....not sure I want to sign up for it again) & walking 30 minutes on the treadmill. I haven't started any of this yet but it's good to have a plan right?

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