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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Making Progress

Well non-existent blog readers, this was a good week for me!! I stuck to healthy food choices, no empty calories (wine!) and exercised 3 times in the past 5 days. It felt really good.

Weight this morning (after breakfast): 180.2

I will take that. It's so surreal to me that I am "okay" with that weight. If you had asked me 34 lbs ago if I would ever let myself get above 144 lbs, I would say NEVER. I would be disgusted by myself. But alas, it happened and here I am. But I feel good about the progress I've made & I actually feel pretty damn motivated.

My husband is also dieting, he's put on a good 5-10 lbs this summer that he wants to lose. He will probably fart and blink his eyes & the weight will be gone. It's not fair.

We both have personal goals to lose X amount of pounds by babygirl's 1st birthday in early November. My goal is 12-15 lbs. I think I can do that. I hope I can. I'm down 3-ish already.

I am doing Couch Potato to 5k. I did Week 1, Day 1 & Week 1, Day 2 on the treadmill. I attempted to do Week 1, Day 3 outside while pushing the baby in her stroller (which just so happens to be a jogging stroller which I have never jogged with) and it was really HARD. I learned that I need to take baby steps & will do Day 3 over tomorrow on the treadmill. It was also effing hot outside so I don't know what I was thinking. Oh well, at least I tried! One day I will be able to.

Off to a dinner cruise for my husband's work. We're each going to have a glass or two of wine over the 3 hour cruise & make today a "cheat day". Here's hoping that actually goes as planned!

Until next time...

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