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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

low carb = low energy for me

wow. i am so tired for some reason. i have no energy whatsoever. i remember when i did the south beach diet 3 years ago that the first 3 days i was napping and laying around, no energy. maybe that's whats going on here? i haven't had any breads or sweets since sunday and i am definitely thinking that's why i'm tired.

so...i will go home and nap and then maybe go to the gym after that. i have no energy right now :( boo!


Marathon Someday said...

Eliminating sugars/carbs will really zap the energy out of you, especially initially. I'm not low-carbing - just eating moderate, and "good" carbs. I am trying to eliminate sugar, and let me tell you, it is HARD!

Hang in there.

Living to Feel Good said...

When you quit eating anything or drinking it's always hard at first because your body is so use to it. Hopefully you will get your energy back fast! :D

Kelly said...

i hope so! i'm feeling like i have more energy today so hopefully i don't crash after lunch! :) i really need to get to the gym!!